Can I Trust Repx Service Engineer visiting my home?

At Repx Service, we verify background of service professionals. Each personnel are checked with their skills, behaviour and quality. We also conduct professional training and grooming.

What is the difference between Inspection & Service charge?

inspection charge is basic minimum fare against visit of professional to assess the job at the spot. Wherein Service Charge is the fare to serve the purpose/complete of the job. Materials/replacement will be charged extra on actuals with invoice to provide convenience.

What are the timings to avail a service?

You can choose the time and date for the services as per your convenience either on the App or our website.

How many hours in advance should I place an order?

Our technology is built in such a way that only service providers will be visible only if they are available to offer that particular service. So you can go ahead and book any of the service providers visible on the website.

In which city Repx Service is currently operating?

Currently we are operating only in Hyderabad and Secunderabad. We will shortly expand to other cities.

Is there any warranty on services?

The warranty on the listed services differs from service to service and is subject to change. We request you to check the respective service pages for more information.

How do I change my order timing? Or How to re-schedule my order?

Please call our service professional which is assigned to you for reschedule the order to your next available time.